On occasion I take a view of my past life within the corporate world, when life seemed to be comprised of a list of bills which needed to be paid, and I held an uninspiring adult job in order to accomplish this, under the illusion that I needed those bills and job to consider myself a functional, well balanced adult.
These days while continuing my Knitting Peace journey in Bolivia, I fill my day with investments of a more spiritual nature, and I am growing to realize that life as I knew it does not matter, what I fill my day with does not matter, what really matters is how I choose to be with myself and consequently others as I do whatever it is I am choosing to do. There is no right or wrong choice, but a way of being with each choice we make.
I have been inspired by the writings of Caroline Myss during this journey and her encouraging words to dive into the mystery and jump into the fear echo in my being, inspiring me to remain in the stillness of Bolivia, until I realize why I was guided to come here in the first place.
I am wandering through this land, picking up rejected pieces of myself left behind during my college years while being reminded of the perfection of it all, and am marveled at how ordinary miracles have become. It really is as simple as “ask and you shall receive”, because no prayer goes unanswered, and every answer comes with its lesson, which is so much better than the response originally hoped for. Life is so rich, when we allow ourselves the joy of saying yes to our hearts and follow the unknown path, rediscovering what we already knew, and re-membering our true essence, which is so much more than bills, work, and busyness.
I am here today, learning and practicing being in the present moment, trusting that this is exactly where I need to be, or else I would not be here; while opening myself to receiving the infinite support the Universe has to offer, and sharing myself authentically with all.
I am grateful for this journey, with all of its ups and down, colorful bright moments mixed in with hard spots, and valleys of space. I am in the City of Peace, which is surrounded geographically with exactly what my journey resembles, a vast range of high and low colorful hard mountains, and open space, reminding me once again of the perfection of it all. I am grateful, I am gratitude, I am.
I am inspired by the amazing way you trust the Divine and courageously follow your heart! What gifts you bring to so many lives. Thank you for standing forward in such radiant light.