Knitting Peace is at a crossroads, with two and a half years under our belt, I feel we are ready to step into bigger shoes and the Universe has been pointing us in that direction, bringing forward new opportunities for KP product placement in Europe, the US and South America. This is very exciting, yet requires a reevaluation of our business model.
Our girls are doing a great job in trying to keep up with the new opportunities for product placement and new distribution venues, but it hasn’t been easy. Our team of 15 solid knitters is working around the clock, however their knitting skills and obligations within the jail limit their full time availability to meet all of Knitting Peace’s demands.
After a long hard look at what we have accomplished and where we want to be, it looks like it’s time to consider hiring knitters outside the jail in order to meet the competitive demands of bigger clients worldwide.
So I have made the decision to incorporate experienced knitters outside the jail onto our team, who are seeking opportunities for poverty alleviation and empowerment. Being in Bolivia, one of the poorest countries in the world, I am exposed to a plethora of women who fit this bill, who would love to work for a company that supports their personal development as much as the sustainability of their homes.
These new knitters will comprise our new development design team, and will work out of a small studio (in my home), where we will focus on designing new products. Once the products have been tested and perfected in our local market, our team of knitters within the jail will take over the production of these new designs for placement in external markets via our website and our wholesale venues.
After a few cycles of running through this new process, I plan on creating a new position in our company for a person who will be in charge of our team of knitters within the jail. This person will be very savvy at building and motivating team momentum, as well a inspiring great performance and enhancing the quality of our end product.
I am excited for these new changes, and the opportunity to create new positions within KP in order to delegate tasks which are not my strength and focus on that which is my forte.
This momentum and growth is due to the support of our amazing followers who have helped create awareness about Knitting Peace, and we promise to continue to expand our business while being true to our purpose which has always been and will continue to be to provide opportunities of poverty alleviation and empowerment to women looking for the chance to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of their children.
So, stay tuned for much more Knitting Peace in the future!
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