
Recreation and Work... One in the same?

A few years ago I was working as a financial analyst in Los Angeles, and one day as I sat in front of my computer, counting the minutes until quitting time, it occurred to me that there had to be more to life than spending a third of it performing tasks which I did not enjoy. That moment, although brief was my aha moment, in which I was literally able to observe myself from the outside and clearly see that I had been living someone else’s life, who’s life I was living I did not know, but it certainly did not feel like mine, it felt as if I had completely missed the target. 

This epiphany lasted only but a moment, however it completely changed my outlook on life and all of a sudden I realized how limiting it was to dislike a major part of my life, all for the perceived comfort of a steady paycheck.  How had this happened? And what did I need to do to become one of those people that seemed to have everything at their fingertip?  I literally had no idea; however something in me was dying to find out.

A short time later, I came upon a quote that said “Make your recreating and work, one in the same”. I can’t recall whose quote this was, but I am in eternal gratitude for his or her clarity and wisdom. This was the answer to what I was seeking, and all the guidance I needed. It was so simple, yet I had missed it for so long. All I needed to do was focus on what I loved to do, and find a way to get paid for it.

It sounds funny but never underestimate the power of intention. A few months later, I started my own company in which I now design and make knitwear clothing. The plus of it all is that I decided to work with incarcerated women in Bolivia, which is where I now live, happily married and enjoying my life with all of its trials and opportunities for growth. 

If you would like to know more of what we do, go to www.Knittingpeace.com


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